Landlord reviews for

Michael Garry in Newcastle upon Tyne

Average Landlord Rating: 3
Number of times reviewed: 1
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Michael Garry, Newcastle upon Tyne

Reviewed 17 August 2017
We had so many issues while living there but we became nervous to report anything after we were given a dangerous gas leak when the landlord and his friend came round to 'fix' our broken cooker hob. Landlord tried to get us to not phone emergency gas services (obviously nervous about the fact that he did not use a certified gas person to look at it). After this we had no trust in him and felt worried about every asking him to come 'fix' somethine or come in the flat. When fridge shelf broke he 'fixed' it with some very weak glue. Also took £85 from our deposit when we left for cleaning when we had cleaned it perfectly ourselves and was in fact cleaner than when we moved in. Untrustworthy and cheap.
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